Sunday, July 31, 2011 Petition to President Obama: "GOP Treason Against USA" - Civic Action is sponsor

........I just signed a petition to President Barack Obama: I believe that secret pledges signed by GOPs in congress violate our constitution as the supersede the pledge of allegiance to the USA and their purpose is the destroy the economy of our country. This is treason, which is a crime in our country. ADD YOUR NAME NOW!! 


Treason Against USA

By Gloria Lemos (Contact)
To be delivered to: President Barack Obama
“I believe that secret pledges signed by GOPs in congress violate our constitution as the supersede the pledge of allegiance to the USA and their purpose is the destroy the economy of our country. This is treason, which is a crime in our country.”
These "secret pledges" signed by GOP supersede and conflict with their pledge of allegiance to the USA.
We need 2,000 signatures
There are currently 1,463 signatures

-- Petition to President Obama: GOP Treason Against USA - Civic Action is sponsor -  Take Action Here ---

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